WCR Best Digital Jurisdiction 2017
News release
World Commerce Review is pleased to announce that Bermuda has been awarded the WCR Best Digital Jurisdiction 2017.
The selection panel took into account product innovation, on-going customer support and best practice criteria as well as a continuing commitment to deploying the best possible solutions for the benefit of their clients. The World Commerce Review Awards are recognised as the principal indications of professional conduct and excellence.
Notes to Editors:
For press enquiries please contact Tom Page at Phoenix MM. info@worldcommercereview.com
About World Commerce Review
WCR is the principal B2B publication available today, enjoying editorial and advertising support from some of the world’s leading business and political organisations. WCR exists to realise the potential of globalisation, reviewing the legal, financial and system requirements of 21st century business. Today’s corporate business environment requires strategic planning that is flexible and progressive. WCR provides a balanced, objective view of the political, regulatory, cultural, legal, financial and economic requirements needed to form an effective strategy for taking advantage of the opportunities that globalisation offers. WCR is a seamless guide for use at boardroom and government level.
About Bermuda Department of E-Commerce
The Department of E-Commerce focuses on promoting the key role that technology plays as a powerful driver in helping to achieve many of Bermuda’s economic, social and environmental objectives. Its mandate is also to support Bermuda as it continues to be recognised as a prime jurisdiction that leverages and advances the digital economy, capitalising on the benefits of technology and remaining current in the areas of technology-related policies and legislation. This helps to move the Island forward and to provide benefits and opportunities for its stakeholders.
The E-Commerce Department’s mandate encompasses a progressive regulatory framework that facilitates the advancement of technology skills and innovation island-wide. It focuses on technology-related policies and legislation, but it also teaches the community about technology by:
-Ensuring that the appropriate policies and legislation are in place to support Bermuda’s digital economy,Facilitating demonstrable opportunities for technology education, mentoring and training through programmes like BizCamps and the Youth Maker Faire for Bermuda’s students,
-Encouraging e-entrepreneurship through initiatives such as the Inspire eBusiness workshops and seminars, the Global Entrepreneurship Week, the TechAwards, and the TechTalks for Bermuda’s users and makers of technology,
-Advocating for the continued development, safe use and adoption of technology across all organisations and within the community through the Cybertips initiative, and.
-Continuously measuring and reporting on Bermuda’s e-readiness through the State of ICT Benchmark Statistics report.