

Educational scarring

Jósef Sigurdsson examines the impact of a tax reform in Iceland that cut taxes to zero for one year and finds that the rise in the opportunity cost of schooling led to a substantial losses in lifetime earnings


Future tax challenges in an AI-driven economy

Artificial intelligence and automation have implications for tax policy. Spencer Bastani and Daniel Waldenström discuss how the economic impact of new technologies is relevant to the taxation of labour and capital


Why are organisational cover-ups so common?

Why do we keep seeing cover-ups in organisations and institutions? Anthony Montgomery argues that in a corporate environment, protecting the institution feels like the right thing to do


Bridging the innovation gap

Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Zhuoying You show how artificial intelligence and robotics present a potential solution to the innovation gap problem for cities in China


AI to rescue the lost generation

The UK has nearly 9 million people who are economically inactive. Jonathan Sharp discusses how AI technology can play a pivotal role in providing innovative solutions to help get people back into the workplace


Heat stress at work

There are significant consequences of climate change for public health. Aude Cefaliello argues that intense heat is not just a hot topic but a political emergency and we must rethink how work is organised