

Debt financing European air defence

Europe is vulnerable to missiles and air attacks. Armin Steinbach and Guntram Wolff argue the case for financing European air defence through issuance of EU debt


Re-energising Europe’s global green reach

Giovanni Sgaravatti, Simone Tagliapietra and Cecilia Trasi argue that the EU’s green reach strategy will need to use a broad range of levers to build equitable partnerships that will help partners make deeper emissions cuts


Harvesting windfall profits from Russian assets

Russia has huge assets in the EU. Armin Steinbach on the challenge of using these assets to craft a syndicated loan for Ukraine backed by G7 members that strikes a fair deal on burden sharing


A strategy for European competitiveness

Europe’s prosperity, competitiveness, and its market power are derived from the single market. Kristalina Georgieva argues that preserving Europe’s competitive edge will require a well-thought out, multi-pronged strategy


Benefits of the Capital Markets Union

Jean-Baptiste Gossé and Camille Jehle argue that stock market investors’ could benefit from the facilitation of crossborder investment and from the development of stock markets, especially in Central and Eastern European countries


Seizing leadership in the net zero economy

The EU is at a crossroads. Linda Kalcher and Neil Makaroff discuss if the European Union will lead the charge in the green economy or trail behind its global competitors in the US and China