thought leadership


How the Ukraine war changed the global sanctions landscape

The sanctions imposed have created significant uncertainty and complex compliance challenges. Brent Connor, John Pearson, Henrietta Worthington and Jaime Rosenberg write that businesses will need to ensure their compliance processes are in order and adapt to any further changes


Why are organisational cover-ups so common?

Why do we keep seeing cover-ups in organisations and institutions? Anthony Montgomery argues that in a corporate environment, protecting the institution feels like the right thing to do


Income inequality and the liberal economic order

The liberal economic order is under pressure. Shekhar Aiyar argues that global welfare gains should be safeguarded and built on, not undermined by a blinkered perception of liberalism


Elections and devaluations

An unprecedented number of voters will go to the polls globally in 2024. Jeffrey Frankel discusses incumbent’s efforts to buoy the economy and the post-election economic situations


Unlocking the power of ideas

The history of human progress has been defined by technological breakthroughs generated by ideas. Christine Lagarde argues we need the right conditions that allow them to reach their full potential


The populist dynamic

There has been a surge in populism across Western democracies. Vincenzo Galasso, Massimo Morelli, Tommaso Nannicini and Piero Stanig evaluate how ruling parties might counter populism